Eco-Friendly Flood Damage Reduction
Clear Creek Public Scoping Meeting
Three public scoping meetings were held for Clear Creek during the Spring of 2001.
The dates and locations were:
March 15, 2001 – Friendswood High School,
702 Greenbriar, Friendswood, Texas
May 3, 2001 – League City Civic Center, 400 West Walker, League City, Texas
May 9, 2001 – Pearland Nelson Auditorium, 2337 North Galveston Road, Pearland, Texas
The Galveston District of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers held these public scoping meetings in order to accept oral and written comments from citizens regarding flood damage reduction solutions and environmental issues pertaining to Clear Creek.
Many citizens gave oral comments at the meetings, and postage-paid comment cards were handed out so that citizens could provide written comments by mail.

Citizens complete comment cards at the May 3, 2001
Public Scoping Meeting
Citizens were encouraged to take comment cards to friends and neighbors who were unable to attend any of the scoping meetings. The official comment period for these scoping meetings ended June 8, 2001.

Mayor Harold Whitaker (Friendswood, Texas) listens to comments from a Clear Creek area resident at the
May 3, 2001 “open house”.
Before each meeting, an “open house” was held in the foyer of each facility. Information on the Clear Creek Study was displayed and study team members were available to answer questions. At each meeting, an overview of the General Reevaluation Report (GRR) process being used in the Clear Creek study was presented.

Colonel Nicholas Buechler visits with Mona Shoup,
a Clear Lake area resident, at the
May 3, 2001 “open house”.
To view official transcripts of these Public Scoping Meetings click on the following links:
To view a transcript of the March 15, 2001 Public Scoping Meeting held at Friendswood High School.